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Re: U Chicago 11

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 6:39 pm
by Moosashi
Me too! I signed the paperwork on the spot after a great visit. See you in September!

Re: U Chicago 11

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 1:52 pm
by mmg3327
Did any of you choose Chicago over NYU? If so, why? After getting in recently after being deferred, that's the decision with which I'm struggling...

Re: U Chicago 11

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 2:52 pm
by annon
mmg3327 wrote:Did any of you choose Chicago over NYU? If so, why? After getting in recently after being deferred, that's the decision with which I'm struggling...
I technically chose Chicago over NYU last year, but it wasn't really a close decision for me, so I doubt I can help (Chicago versus Columbia was my close decision). I pretty much dismissed NYU completely after visiting there, for a variety of reasons. The biggest reason was personal feel, but objective factors included a dislike of the huge class size, a lack of desire to live in a $2000 a month closet for 3 years, a small interest in academia that I wanted to explore, etc. A few other intangible qualities were also present (my future classmates at Chicago, the student/faculty interaction at Chicago, etc.).

I'm probably not much help in the decision, but if you have any specific questions about Chicago I'm happy to answer...

Re: U Chicago 11

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 5:35 pm
by USCtrojan86
I chose Chicago over NYU without even visiting Chicago (I did visit NYU). Of course, I have no idea if I'll regret this decision...but I doubt it.

Full Disclosure: There was also substantial $$ at Chicago and nothing offered at NYU, but frankly even at full price for both it wouldn't have been a tough call.

I'm really, really not a fan of NYC; I didn't like the non-consolidated feel of the NYU "campus", if you can even call it that; I have something of an interest in academia; I consider myself much more of a nerd than a "cool kid"/hipster (if we're going to go ahead and stereotype the student bodies); Chicago as a city is cheaper (and you get more for your money); I hated the fact that NYU Law was not only huge, but also notorious for accepting a ton of students for 2L as transfers (just in time for them to compete with the returning NYU 1L's for 2L OCI :roll:); and frankly, I love the fact that Chicago prides itself on being xhardcore academicx.

I fully accept and appreciate that a lot of the reasons I cited are completely subjective, and could actually be big reasons for picking NYU over Chicago for someone else.

However, all else said, I just think that a very strong case can be made that in spite of NYU's "cool" location and higher USNWR ranking, Chicago is all around a superior law school - and that's what I was looking for in picking a law school.

To echo the poster above me, Columbia vs. Chicago would have been much more difficult (I got dinged at Columbia so I didn't have the choice), but I think I would've ultimately made the same decision. The only schools that I would definitely pick over Chicago with all else equal are H, Y and S.

Re: U Chicago 11

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 1:50 pm
by gmail
I'm in an internet cafe and my bill is quickly approaching the amount of money I have in my wallet so I'll just say 'hi' and see you all in a few short months.

Re: U Chicago 11

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 3:25 pm
by gmail

Where are y'all living? I think I'll be moving into one of the UChi-owned apartments on Hyde Park Blvd but I'm still doing some research.

Re: U Chicago 11

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 10:58 pm
by ulpian246
I feel like you can't really go wrong with Regents for 1L, but the U Chicago apartments did look like some of them had some cool features if you knew what you were looking for (fireplaces, wood floors, ect.) Is anybody else as excited as I am to go to Second City during orientation?

Re: U Chicago 11

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 4:57 pm
by gmail
So how bout that Alumni Matching Program...? [/unsubtle bump]

Re: U Chicago 11

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 12:35 pm
by M2008
I was going to do a 2BR at Regents, but that fell through. I'll be visiting Hyde Park at the end of July to look for housing. It seems to be an area where it's pretty easy to find cheap housing so I'm not worried.

Anyone else need to find new $&%#ing lenders as of today?

Re: U Chicago 11

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 4:46 pm
by gmail
I'm thinking about going through the University-owned apartments, they seem to have a good selection of places. I can't figure out what their policy is on moving out at the end of the academic year though-- I can't imagine they'd let us sublet (nor have I seen their places on craigslist) so I'm guessing they're willing to let people break leases?

Re: U Chicago 11

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 12:46 am
by mayrain1
YES re: finding a new lender. I'm quite annoyed.

And now we, the students, are getting slammed with the origination fee. Awesome. I decided to go with Access Group. I'm glad irresponsible mortgage companies gave homes to totally unqualified buyers and now we're having difficultly getting STUDENT LOANS because of the lack of credit lines available.

That was probably a bit of a tangential, nonsensical rant.

Re: U Chicago 11

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 5:26 pm
by Yointer
gmail wrote:So how bout that Alumni Matching Program...? [/unsubtle bump]
Yeah, this sounded like a really good opportunity to get some networking connections before school starts. I asked them to match me with an alum in the city where I anticipate practicing law after graduation. Haven't been in touch yet, though.

As for housing, I was surprised to see how far Regents is from the law school. That alone was enough to scuttle that plan in my book. I can't wrap my head around the popularity of that poorly-located, unremarkable building.

Re: U Chicago 11

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 2:52 pm
by gmail

Apartment for Sublet in Hyde Park + Option to Lease

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 8:01 pm
by kerplunk
Hey guys, here's the story: I will be attending NU for law school this fall. My boyfriend and I currently live in a 1br apartment in Hyde Park. We will be closing on a condo in the south loop in mid- August and would like to find someone to take over the last 1-2 months (August and September) of our lease agreement in Hyde Park. There is also the option to stay in the apartment if you like the place.

Location: 1605 E. 50th Street. Across from Regents tower, hyde park art center, and Istria cafe (a big law student study place). Right next to the 172 bus stop which takes you straight to the law school and the number 6 which takes you downtown to the loop. It is also close to the Metra.

Amenities: High rise apartment. 650 sq feet. Newly renovated (we were the first to live in the newly renovated apartment). Stainless steel appliances. Exercise room. "Wall of windows" which has gorgeous views of BOTH the lake and the city skyline. AC and heated.

Price: Sublet for 1000$/month (price negotiable). This includes your heat, AC, garbage and water as well as basic maintenance fees. Electricity is separate.

Pictures: ... kApartment

PM me if you are interested or have other questions.

I'm sad to be moving out of Hyde Park and it would have been nice to get into UofC. It really is a pretty neighborhood and our view will be nowhere near as good once we move downtown.

Re: U Chicago 11

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 6:29 pm
by gmail
Kind of wish we were starting in one, rather than two, months.

Re: U Chicago 11

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 9:57 pm
by Yointer
gmail wrote:Kind of wish we were starting in one, rather than two, months.

You know UChi is a nerdy place when students complain about summer vacation being too long. But I'm right there with you, Gmail.

Re: U Chicago 11

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 12:57 pm
by lawhooligan
i wish we started sooner as well...only because being in school next may/june when everyone else is finished is going to blow goats.

Re: U Chicago 11

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 7:50 am
by gmail
sweet article in the nytimes about the law school and mr obama. someone post dat link, ima on a iphone

Re: U Chicago 11

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 10:04 am
by Yointer
gmail wrote:sweet article in the nytimes about the law school and mr obama. someone post dat link, ima on a iphone ... 2gUVhhEJTQ


Some commentary on the articles: ... 1217388045

Re: U Chicago 11

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 12:55 pm
by oscist
In case no one followed that up, Volokh's bloggers -- or someone else -- did a bit more research and found that Obama was never offered tenure, and was never considered for it. Apparently the media just gets ahead of itself sometimes.

Re: U Chicago 11

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 1:01 pm
by wen5000
I can't believe that anyone considered he was actually offered tenure as possibility considering the lack of papers and research credentials in general on Obama's part. Not even tenure-track post or something.....STRAIGHT to full tenure professor after a few years of teaching? Give me a break, man.

Re: U Chicago 11

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 1:02 pm
by oscist
It's the NYTimes.

Re: U Chicago 11

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 4:45 am
by sluggo
The young law professor stood apart in too many ways to count. At a school where economic analysis was all the rage, he taught rights, race and gender. Other faculty members dreamed of tenured positions; he turned them down. While most colleagues published by the pound, he never completed a single work of legal scholarship.
Translation: He doesn't have a firm grasp of economics, he was not offered tenure, and he didn't publish any scholarship. :oops:

Gotta love how the spin-doctor of that NYT article chose those three things to start his article.

Re: U Chicago 11

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 8:18 pm
by JusAbstinendi

Re: U Chicago 11

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 5:34 pm
by Yointer
Anybody here on campus yet? I moved in earlier this week and am exploring the neighborhood - much nicer than what I was expecting. Perhaps we should organize a UChi TLS get-together around orientation time?