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PNW Goals/Where to Apply

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2022 1:01 am
by jpanger2
Hi, so, I'm applying next cycle from a top liberal arts college with a 3.4ish and a 170 LSAT.

I'm from Oregon, and for that reason I would prefer to practice in the PNW. I have biglaw/midlaw goals. My order of preference for cities is Seattle>Portland>Chicago>Minneapolis~=Boston. I do not like NYC and would prefer not to spend a lot of time there.

Where should I apply? Where should I consider attending, and why?

Re: PNW Goals/Where to Apply

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2022 5:35 am
by CanadianWolf
The University of California at Berkeley School of Law places well on the West Coast. Unfortunately, an undergraduate GPA of just 3.4 may make your chances for an offer of admission unlikely.

The University of Washington School of Law places well in Seattle.

For Minneapolis, consider the Univ. of Minnesota.

Re: PNW Goals/Where to Apply

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2022 11:41 am
by crazywafflez
Agreed with the above poster. 3.4 with a 170 will make it tough to get into the T14 (which Berk is probs best for your goals).

You may want to try getting into WashU, but I think U of Wash, U of Oregon, U of Minnesota all do well in their markets and if you get a full scholarship for them would be a great outcome and def help towards getting your goals. However, for biglaw, I think WashU will be your best bet and I think it does okay throughout the midwest, but not the PNW.

Re: PNW Goals/Where to Apply

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2022 4:32 pm
by talons2250
Is retaking the LSAT an option? If you can raise your score 3-5 points, then the T14 becomes significantly more likely. With a GPA below the 25th percentile, you'll want an LSAT above the 75th percentile, which at a T14 means the mid-to-high 170s.