Kilpatrick wrote:vanwinkle, keep fighting the good fight. The guy you're arguing with has no clue and doesn't look like he is ever going to admit he's wrong, but it is really helpful reading your comments. Some people are going to read what you wrote and take your advice, even if this guy is going to just keep falling back on his cries of elitism. Thanks.
I'm not falling back on cries of elitism except as it relates to vanwinkle. My primary point was that it's ridiculous to say that going to a non T14 school but still tier 1 school is a bad idea...that's where all of this started, and it devolved into personal accusations of elitism.
I still think that the advice vanwinkle is giving is bad. I do not agree with what I understand his advice to be, that if you can't get into a T14 school, and you don't get significant money at a T50, then it isn't worth it to go to law school (Vanwinkle, if I characterized your advice wrongly, please say so).
Whether Vanwinkle is elitist or not, and whether I am or not, is quite irrelevant to the decisions that many students are grasping with right now: to go to law school or not, which law school to go to, and where to draw the line in terms of cost of investment/lost opportunity cost vs legal career prospects and capacity to pay back student loans.
That discussion is a good one to have. Vanwinkle vs me is not.