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Wildly Inconsistent Performance on Games

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 1:55 am
by niederbomb
Ok, so my LG scores (in 35 minutes) range from -2 (PT 58, 53, June 07) to -0 (PT 49) to -9 (PT 36, 49 and 59).

All these scores were obtained within a few days of each other. I think my biggest problem is time. Sometimes I just happen to get stuck on one question, usually in the middle of a game, and it throws me for the rest of the game.

What strategy do y'all use when you have a "could be true" question and have no idea where to begin, or you somehow eliminate all five answer choices?

Examples: #8, #10, and #12 in PT 59.

It's not just my mood--because my LR and RC are generally steady (-0 to -3, usually -1).

LG is still by far my worst section even though I haven't really prepped at all for the other sections (besides reviewing missed questions on PT's).

Powerscore got me from -18 to -10 last spring. And lots of practice has gotten me to where I am now, but I'm worried b/c the test is only two weeks away.

The good thing is, I can still top 170 on some scales after missing -9 LG questions, like I did when I took the LSAT 4 years ago (albeit with a much easier LG section).