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Retaking in February but want app to be considered as-is

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 3:13 pm
by buyorsell912
Quick question:

I have a 171 and 4.05, and submitted my apps on 1/2. I have also registered for the Feb LSAT. The point is that if I'm waitlisted or still under consideration when the Feb scores are released, this can add to my file and boost my chances. I, however, DO NOT want my application held until then at any school.

Do I have to email schools and tell them to consider me as is, or is that the standard procedure? I applied to the T14 on 1/2 and am listed as complete at all schools except 3 (Harvard, Berekely, Cornell -- btw, is this normal to not be complete for so long?). Does being listed as complete mean those schools are going to go ahead and evaluate me as is? I'd really love and appreciate your guys insight, I could use it. Thanks!

Re: Retaking in February but want app to be considered as-is

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 7:33 pm
by Mack.Hambleton
id email them