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Mentioning location in why X law school essay?

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2018 12:39 am
by ToAbsolutelyNOBODY
Is it okay to mention location. Like you want to go there because it's close to the beach and has good weather and food?

Re: Mentioning location in why X law school essay?

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2018 11:05 am
by kw25
If I were you I would definitely make sure that you don't put any emphasis on that, and it not be one of your main points/reasons.

Re: Mentioning location in why X law school essay?

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2018 11:47 am
by DebtPrisoner
You can mention location, but i think you need to be more personal and more specific. Many schools are close to the beach, have good weather and good food. You could go to Pepperdine just as well as Stanford by those factors. None of those really have anything to do with the school or your study of law.

Some location-based things you could mentioned in Why X:
Specific legal regime or hot button issues of jurisdiction (this state has uniquely aggressive X laws, would like to experience how they play out)
Diversity/vibrancy of culture (you could work food in here) (i.e. NY, LA, big cities)
Art/Architecture/history of a place as inspiring for your study of law (think DC, boston)
Industry of City (Tech - Bay Area, Finance - NYC, Entertainment - LA, etc) - but this is probably quite common and will not make you stand out

Natural environment (beach) is ok - but you have to go deeper relate it personally to your interests - like a reminder of what we need to protect (if you're interested in env law).

I would avoid the weather and general references to "good food". You'll be eating cliff bars in the library most days.

Most importantly, it should be about you and how that school's offerings, location, culture, would match how you want to contribute to that community.

But not all of it has to be academic - Are you a musician? Maybe chicago or austin would be great. Have a family? Where would be great for them? Some schools and surrounding communities are better for students w/families than others; I think it's ok to mention that.

Re: Mentioning location in why X law school essay?

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2018 11:52 am
by ToAbsolutelyNOBODY
I meant that if you like the you would like to live there..

Re: Mentioning location in why X law school essay?

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 6:07 pm
by Yulifus
I would put more emphasis on the culture and people and how they will be beneficial to your law school experience, rather than the beach and food. But I wouldn't spend too much time on it either.